Thursday 6 April 2006


Now its one thing to put your prime shows on during an event like the Commonwealth Games to steal as many ratings points as possible (they didn't) but then quite another to take them off for a week (or two) once said event is over. That is what channel 7 have done this coming week (it is the build up to Easter and maybe some folk fast from TV for Lent ?) with their three high profile shows: Desperate Housewives/Prison Break/Lost. What's more, in a nod to those who might have "come in late" they have highlight shows for DH and PB as a service to those who feel as though they can't start watching because they don't know the whole story (they're not called highlight shows of course, too mundane, for example : "DH : All the Juicy Details"). I suspect these interruptions will only serve to disenfranchise faithful viewers.
And in a bid to rival True Lies on ch.10 (not really, no one is that close), ABC is once again showing the only film noir they have in the cupboard : Angel Face (ABC Thur 1230A) starring Robert Mitchum and Jean Simmons. This is at least the third time (and quite possibly fourth) that it has been shown in the last 2 years.

Generally speaking it is going to have to be a pretty good documentary for me to watch that in preference to a fictional movie (even a bad one at that) but that is the promise of The Gleaners and I (SBS Tue 10P). Someone who gleans, gathers remains (for example of ears of corn left by reapers) or collects something left behind in small quantities or perhaps as a reporter scrapes together facts. French documentary maker Agnes Varda has made a "wise, playful, humorous and witty" documentary that includes herself as one of its subjects, "not just to advance the story or to commentate but to add an extra dimension to her inquiry."
Following this is a followup documentary on the first's subjects, two years later. If you enjoy the first 90 minutes then I suspect you will be tempted to go the next 90.

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