Friday, 29 September 2006

100 Posts - Hooray !!

This is the 100th post to this blog site !

Hooray indeed.

In keeping with the commercial channels "best of" celebrations of the past 50 years of television (or 50 quality minutes of broadcasting in the past 50 years of television) here is a "100th post retrospective" for you to laugh, and cry, and smile, and remember. Take it away Bert ...

Let's go way back, to the timid post number 1.

Movie Reviews (in the post below)

TV Tasty Knows' first post
TTK loves the Daddos

RabelWatch has his ego stroked
Aussies Out
MrRabelWatch responds

MetalTheater throws his guitar into the ring

And the Rants
(the late) Ross Warneke
Channel 9 and the Commonwealth Games
Channel 9 and the Commonwealth Games II
Nicole is getting married
And so is Mr Metal Theater
Give SBS more money
50 years too long


Anonymous said...

Congrats GG! It looks like your site is getting a few more views - you're getting a couple of spam comments now! Start cleaning them up... slacker.

Anonymous said...

More spam! Get deleting slacker!