Tuesday 25 July 2006

Melbourne International Film Festival

This week, the Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) kicks off and my first screening is Saturday night : The Book of Revelation. It is one of the more prominent Australian premieres at this year’s festival, in much the same way that Look Both Ways was for MIFF last year.
If you’re thinking you might like to come along to a MIFF screening or two over the next couple of weeks then let me know. I have booked in a dozen or so sessions for myself, many of them at key times (eg, Friday or Saturday nights) and would welcome your company.
Next week will be difficult to post a regular GG entry as I am taking next Tuesday and Wednesday off from work to attend 4 MIFF screenings during the day and will be hard pressed to keep up with my paid responsibilities on the Thursday let alone to post additional comments here. Having said that I hope to post my MIFF reflections as I go so there should be something at any rate !
To access the MIFF site (to review the program and book tickets) you can click on the link on the border of this page.

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